24 Ekim 2016 Pazartesi

Coping Techniques To Help Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking can be a difficult task. Creating a list of activities that can keep you busy is a very important coping techniques for those that want to quit smoking. Statistics has shown that about 47% of smokers want to quit the addiction. Statistics have shown that only 13% of those that want to quit smoking are able to completely quit the harmful habit. This is why it is important to have some coping techniques at hand to help reduce your urge for smoking. Your risk of a heart and lung related diseases is greatly reduced if you are able to quit smoking at an early age. One in five deaths recorded in the US is caused by smoking; this amounts to about 440,000 deaths annually. As difficult as it seems, you can get your mind off smoking if you adopt a lifestyle based on some of the following tips.

  1. Distract yourself

Put up a list of things you can engage yourself to reduce your urge for smoking. Idleness will make you resort to the dangerous habit. Always surround yourself with people and get into meaningful discussions instead of being alone. Take a glass of water, stroll down the street anytime you feel like having a hit.

  1. Find out the triggers

Identify a list of things or moments when the urge to smoke is highest. You can easily avoid these triggers as a way of reducing your addiction to smoking. Avoid going to pubs, stop being around smokers and reduce your presence at parties. Inform some of your friends that are smokers of your intention to quit smoking and make sure they respect the decision.

  1. Engage in regular exercises

Exercising a lot will reduce your addiction to smoking. Apart from making you healthy, exercises keep you busy and prevent you from being alone. Regular exercise also helps to lower stress levels in your body. Do a few pushups, jog for few minutes; seek pleasure in doing some physical activities. This will eliminate your addiction to smoking.

  1. Switch to honey

Honey, with its rich components, can be a perfect substitute while you are working on quitting smoking. It is rich in essential nutrients that can help you get over the harmful effects of smoking while also helping you to suppress the urge to smoke. Honey has been proven in the treatment of certain ailments apart from its other health benefits.

  1. Eat candies and fruits

You should always keep your mouth busy whenever you craving for smoking. You can eat carrots, apples, sweets, chocolates, nuts and other chops. Snacks are also a great option for you to reduce your urge for smoking. Eat whatever you have to anytime you have the urge to smoke.

  1. Watch a movie

Use the time for smoking to watch a movie with a friend. You will find that more enjoyable. You can also listen to music anytime you feel the urge to smoke. Doing these little things will keep you busy and helps to reduce your craving for cigarettes.


Huffington Post

Report from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey

Reasons to stop smoking weed

Report from the World Health Organization

Coping Techniques To Help Quit Smoking

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