When we look at the root of the drug and alcohol problems in the affluent Western nations, frustration and misery always rise to the surface. Yet, most people in the world find that hard to believe.
After all, the people in the Western countries are so much wealthier and have such full facility to enjoy themselves that it seems implausible that they would be entrenched in an even bigger drug problem than the poor countries.
The problem is that most people are in the illusion that material wealth alone is sufficient to make a person happy. They are equating happiness and/or satisfaction with material sense enjoyment and that if the person is “enjoying” the bodily senses they will be satisfied.
The lesson to be learned is that if a person could be happy simply by enjoying the senses, there would never be problems associated with frustration and unhappiness.
People in the Western world are very affluent, have full facility for sense enjoyment, have money, have time, have, or could have, good health, and yet are not happy.
Seeing this reality, an intelligent person would ask, WHY?
The answer is simple: sense enjoyment is not enough to satisfy the person.
Yet, according to modern chemicalist philosophy, a person is nothing more than a combination of material chemicals. As such, if one makes the body’s senses happy that should eliminate frustration.
In real life, we see that people have full facility for bodily sense enjoyment but they are still not happy.
So, to understand the problem of alcoholism and drugs one has to go deeper into the subject of frustration and dissatisfaction.
Going deeper shows that despite experiencing sense gratification to the fullest there is still something still not addressed – spiritual starvation.
Alcoholism and the drug problem are merely symptoms of the disease. A disease that many people are reluctant to face.
While unknowingly suffering from this disease, there are people in various stages or degrees of this spiritual starvation.
There are so many that are so unhappy with their lives yet they still carry on with their duties and normal activities but turn to drugs and alcohol to help them forget their purposelessness. And by some weird quirk of fate this drug problem somehow becomes a drug solution.
Let’s say that, for example, a middle-aged man has spent most of his life working to be able to get all the facilities for their sense enjoyment as well as their family’s and has succeeded in doing so.
Then one day he sees that his kids are not satisfied despite all they have been provided with and he realizes that he will have to die one day and leave everything ha has accumulated.
What happens is that the feeling of having wasted many years of his life manifests? He worked his whole life to provide those things he thought would make his family happy and it did not. Now what?
Now the kids see that their parents are unhappy despite having wealth and they experience similar frustrations even though they never had to work for anything.
The vast majority of young people in America have facility for unlimited sense enjoyment that most people in other parts of the world can only dream about.
Being born into affluence means that you can get everything money can buy. Despite this, the kid is still unsatisfied.
Some time ago I wrote about the hippies in the late sixties and early seventies, when millions of young Americans, Europeans, Australians, etc., left their affluent homes and all its comforts, the vast majority of which took just the clothes on their backs and wandered around, living in cramped quarters with other young people, trying to find a deeper meaning of existence.
Unfortunately, most of them did not find a deeper meaning of existence and instead, succumbed to drugs. Why? Because they were trying to forget the meaninglessness of their existence.
Yes, the hippie movement is over, but the massive use of drugs for the purpose of forgetting the meaninglessness of our existence is one of the main effects that the hippie movement had on the greater American and western society as a whole.
To put is another way: a life which has as its central purpose nothing more than material sense enjoyment leads to annihilationism.
The idea that I am merely the material body, that I am matter, just chemicals, leads to hedonism or a life centered around the sole purpose of sense gratification. This leads to frustration, which ultimately leads to thoughts of the desire to cease existing.
There are two ways to try to get rid of pain. One is to try to get rid of the pain; the other is to try to get rid of the experiencer of the pain.
So whether they are pushing drugs, alcohol, annihilationism, or voidism, they are no different than the doctor who “cures” his patients by killing them.
So all these methods are attempts to decrease one’s awareness of his own existence. And since awareness or consciousness is the characteristic of life itself, the attempt to decrease such awareness is the symptom of the desire to die. This desire to become free from suffering by ending one’s existence is called mukti, or the liberation from suffering.
So, ultimately, the life of endless sense gratification, called bhukti, leads to frustration and misery, which leads to drugs or alcohol in the hopes of achieving mukti or liberation.
This is called the bhukti-mukti syndrome. First, the desire for sense gratification –bhukti –and then the desire for liberation from the purposeless and misery – mukti.
The solution to the bhukti-mukti syndrome is coming to the realization of your actual identity. The realization that we are not the material body but rather the life force within the material body. The body is material matter and temporary and the life force is spiritual and eternal.
We also must learn that we are not God but dominated parts and parcels of God. The realization of these two things will enable one to understand that the purpose of life is not to serve the senses but to somehow be engaged in loving service to God.
You see, we try to find happiness by playing God. In doing so we ultimately become frustrated and spiritually starved.
This can be compared to a finger on the body that is trying to enjoy independently. Imagine your finger sitting in a bowl of food, it’s right in the middle of the food but it can’t quite take the food in.
Seeing this I might tell my finger that to get energy from that food I need to get it to the mouth. From there it goes to the stomach and from the stomach the food is digested and ultimately delivered to me. But, the finger protests and wonders why it has to give it to someone else (the mouth) when all it wants to do is enjoy it directly.
The answer is that it is just not the natural position and function of the finger. That’s the arrangement and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
The only way the finger can get energy is for it to work in coordination with the entire body and help get the food to the stomach.
The same thing applies to the living entity. The living entity is part and parcel of God. We are all parts of Him. If we try to enjoy independently or separately from His concern, then we will not actually experience true satisfaction of joy.
People in the Western world do not understand this. We are sitting in the midst of incredible wealth, just like the finger sitting in the middle of the food.
But so many people are spiritually starving to death because they do not know their actual identity or their relation to God or the purpose of the human form of life.
We wrongly identify ourselves as our bodies. We see ourselves as being the dominator and consider that our natural position is to be master or enjoyer. So we set out on a path of exploitation in life, believing that we can have happiness independently from God.
People need to be spiritually educated as to who and what they are and what their relationship with God is. Until that happens, we will continue to be bound by selfish interests and endure the bhukti-mukti syndrome endlessly.
The economic development of the West has been built almost entirely upon the desire for their own sense gratification. In other words, for a person to have sense gratification they must secure themselves economically. This is the motivating force. The belief that this sense gratification will make us happy is no longer as strong or convincing in the people as a whole.
There are millions of young people who feel no motivation to make economic advancement. They feel completely without reason to live. They were originally taught that the goal of life is sense gratification and the way to achieve it is to work hard for economic development.
From their own experiences that sense gratification is not enough to satisfy them they no longer have motivation to work and feel hopeless.
So, how do we resolve the conflict? It all starts in your heart where two beings reside: the soul and the Super Soul, aka God. Since God resides in the heart of ALL living beings, He knows your thoughts and desires. If you sincerely want to know Him, He will work it out. All it takes on your part is the sincere desire.
If you understand that God is in your heart does it not stand to reason that your body is truly a temple? As such, why do we continually defile it? Question: would you go into a church/temple/ synagogue/mosque or another place of worship and literally pee or take a dump on the floor? It’s probably the last thing you would do.
So, why then do you continually do it to your body?
You fill your temple with rotting carcasses, with heavy pesticides and drugs, both medicinal and recreational, smoke and alcohol, artificial sweeteners and flavors, chemically produced foods, and so many other pollutants and atrocities, and yet wonder why what is happening to you is happening to you.
See your body for the temple that it is and respect the Inhabitant and His part and parcel and maybe, just maybe, one day you will get the surprise of your life by finding out there is a God.
To learn more about Hesh, listen to and read hundreds of health related radio shows and articles, and learn about how to stay healthy and reverse degenerative diseases through the use of organic sulfur crystals and the most incredible bee pollen ever, please visit www.healthtalkhawaii.com, or email me at heshgoldstein@gmail.com or call me at (808) 258-1177. Since going on the radio in 1981 these are the only products I began to sell because they work.
Oh yeah, going to www.asanediet.com will allow you to read various parts of my book – “A Sane Diet For An Insane World”, containing a wonderful comment by Mike Adams.
In Hawaii, the TV stations interview local authors about the books they write and the newspapers all do book reviews. Not one would touch “A Sane Diet For An Insane World”. Why? Because it goes against their advertising dollars.
Are you happy being frustrated?
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