24 Şubat 2017 Cuma

The Wondrous Antioxidant

Have you ever wondered which antioxidant is needed to sustain mitochondrial function? What is the key to sustaining heart health and protecting from disease? Well, this special known component is known as CoQ10! What is CoQ10? I’m glad you asked! CoQ10 is a molecule produced in the body to sustain optimal living. There are quite a few health conditions associated with CoQ10 deficiency. Some conditions associated with this deficiency are fibromyalgia, myocardial infarction, migraines, and Parkinson’s disease. In a nutrient poor world, foods are lost in many nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants thanks to modern food technology. From low-fat foods to high carb diets and development of special diets to loss weight are altered nutritionally with carbs, sugar, and other additives to give food a flavory taste. Some sources of CoQ10 are broccoli, organ meats, spinach, calf liver and cauliflower. There are numerous studies at major universities, hospitals that links CoQ10 deficiency with the issue of heart disease. Some studies will be explored in this article.

CoQ10 is indeed an antioxidant that will influence the production of ATP, the body’s energy currency. Low levels of CoQ10 is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome and immune dysfunction syndrome. The basic biochemistry of CoQ10 is made up of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. CoQ10 acts as an on-switch for the mitochondria to process energy through ATP to produce energy. CoQ10 is found in the body in two forms ubiquinone and ubiquinol. There is constant debate about which one is more absorb-able in the human body. Ubiquinol is one of the more effective forms of CoQ10 that is better absorbed because of how it is prepared as a supplement.  With all of this being told about CoQ10, why isn’t it being prescribed to patients by their doctors? Simply, put they have no training in nutrition and have little to no incentive to promote the product. There is another form of CoQ10 known as ubidecarone but there isn’t sufficient evidence to show that it differs from the effects of ubiquinone and ubiquinol. The Molecular Aspects of Medicine states that overall medication of statins dropped considerably: 43% stopped between one and three drugs. There was only 6% gap in which patients required the addition of one drug. No apparent side effects from CoQ10 treatment were noted other than a single case of transient nausea. Another study by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that supplementing oral doses of 100mg of CoQ10 twice a day will improve blood pressure and glycaemic control within type-2 diabetes patients.

With that being said what other factors are depriving your body of this essential nutrient. Statin drugs are some of the worst prescriptions you can take to have a fully functional heart. Statins do lower cholesterol, but it is not the main culprit of heart disease. The Framing-ham Study stated that those who had heart disease, and those operated on, had cholesterol levels within the normal range. Cholesterol is commonly lumped as a two way street for death, either you can die of too much or too little, according to medical science. Statin makes exercise impossible to perform since it thins the blood. You practically become a sedentary individual with no ability to exercise. With all the evidence on statins, avoiding them and adopting sufficient and effective lifestyle choices will cut your risk for heart disease in half. With this being said, CoQ10 is an excellent choice for improving heart health and exercise duration. Remember Co-enzyme Q10 is found in others structure like the endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, vesicles, as well as the mitochondria. All of these cells assist each other in the process in sustaining optimal function and living. Therefore multiple benefits are reported but are not limited to the inhibition of lipid per-oxidation initiation in plasma membranes, lower cardiovascular disease, anti-hypertensive functions, migraine headache treatment, neuro-degenerative disease treatment (Parkinson’s disease).

I haven’t discussed the types of CoQ10 and which is more absorbed in the body. As a vital component in the body, CoQ10 can either exist  in its oxidized form, ubiquinone, or in its reduced form, which is ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is known to be the reduced anti-oxidant form of CoQ10. oxidation will cause damage to the body since certain atoms with unpaired electrons cannot fight the detrimental effects of oxidation. A substance like Ubiquinol must contain free electrons to donate to combat oxygen free radicals. Reduced forms are the best forms of substances in a compound (CoQ10, vitamin C are some to name). Oxidized forms of substances lack the ability to supply the cells with essential nourishment and slow the effects of aging. Ubiquinone is the oxidized form of CoQ10 which lacks the necessary components to fight oxidative damage.

In our nutrient poor world we have learned to dismiss the key elements that provide us with our best health. Finding a good CoQ10 supplement online may be tough due to deciphering brands with oxidized forms. Look for ubiquinol version of COQ10 supplements and also check with a functional medicine practitioner to assure your specific needs.  With this being said always do research on a supplement company before purchasing anything. Please be aware of oxidized and reduced forms of supplement compounds. CoQ10 is one of mother natures most effective living component/medicine, so take the necessary steps to be in good health.


Folkers K, Wolaniuk J, Simonsen R, et al. “Biochemical rationale and the cardiac response of patients with muscle disease to therapy with coenzyme Q10.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 1985; 82(13):4513-4516.

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Cooke M, Iosia M, Buford T, et al. “Effects of acute and 14-day coenzyme Q10 supplementation on exercise performance in both trained and untrained individuals.” J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2008 Mar 4;5:8.

Chung HR, Vakil M, Munroe M, Parikh A, Meador BM, Wu PT, et al. The Impact of Exercise on Statin-Associated Skeletal Muscle Myopathy. PLoS ONE 2016; 11(12): e0168065.

Robert Ross, Steven N. Blair, Ross Arena, et al. “Importance of Assessing Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Clinical Practice: A Case for Fitness as a Clinical Vital Sign: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.” Circulation. 2016;CIR.0000000000000461.

Orozco, Debra et al. “Determination of Ubidecarenone (Coenzyme Q10, Ubiquinol-10) in Raw Materials and Dietary Supplements by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detection: Single-Laboratory Validation.” Journal of AOAC International 90.5 (2007): 1227–1236. Print.

The Wondrous Antioxidant

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