28 Şubat 2017 Salı

Fatty Liver – You Can Reverse It Naturally

All this while, you have probably been more concerned about preventing “fatty deposits” to your heart which can cause heart attacks that may result in death. Actually, you should take care of your liver from being congested by fats, conditions known as fatty livers as well as.

If isn’t addressed, fatty liver can progress to more serious liver disease and other health problems.

Fatty liver refers to a term used to describe the condition of the liver that has accumulated excess fat for one reason or another.

The condition is actually relatively common. In other words, anybody including you can experience it at any point in of your life.

No Symptoms

You can experience fatty liver without knowing it because according to Harvard experts it usually causes no symptoms and a few if any, complications. However, some people with NAFLD go on to develop irreversible liver damage that can result in liver failure and cirrhosis.

In cases with symptoms, besides inflammation, it causes several symptoms where in some cases the liver becomes inflamed and develops scars.

Fatigue, pain in the upper right abdomen, and weight loss are other common symptoms.

It is normal to have a tiny amount of fat in your liver cells. If your liver contains 5% or more fat, then it is considered fatty.

While drinking alcohol excessively was once considered to be a risk for fatty liver disease, on the other hand, in many cases it does not play a role.


A number of fatty liver conditions fall under the broad category of non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD),

Harvard expert view on NAFLD,

‘Almost unheard of before 1980, NAFLD is now believed to affect as many as 30% of adult Americans and is expected to become the main reason for the liver transplant by 2022. NAFLD is not a single disease but rather a spectrum of disorders, all marked by the accumulation of fat inside liver cells.’

Non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disease in adults and children in Western countries, under which a number of fatty liver conditions fall.


Good news is NAFL is the initial, reversible stage of liver disease. However, as it often goes undiagnosed, over time, NAFL may lead to a more serious liver condition known as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH.

NASH is characterized by greater fat accumulation and inflammation leading to liver cell damages. As liver cells are repeatedly injured and die off, it can eventually result in fibrosis or scar tissue. NASH greatly increases the risk of cirrhosis (advanced scarring of the liver) and liver cancer.


Several factors have been determined the possible causes of fatty liver:

Obesity: Obesity involves low-grade inflammation and metabolic syndrome that may promote liver fat storage.

Excess belly fat: Having normal weight with visceral obesity is prone to develop fatty liver.

Insulin resistance: Studies have shown that insulin resistance and high insulin levels (hyperinsulinemia) to increase liver fat storage in people with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

High intake of refined carbs: Refined carb frequent intakes promote liver fat storage, especially when excessive amounts are consumed by overweight or insulin-resistant individuals.

Sugary beverage consumption:  Most soda and energy drinks are high in fructose (simple sugar), which has been shown to cause liver fat storage in children and adults.

Impaired gut health: Leaky gut or other gut health issues caused by an imbalance in the gut microbiota may contribute to NAFLD development.

Drug intakes: Certain drugs taken over long-term can cause steatosis (accumulation of fat in the liver).

Note: Some people can develop NAFLD even without these risk factors. In my opinion, If they take drugs over time, however, this can be the possible cause (most doctors would never admit this).

Fatty Liver Symptoms

Fatty liver symptoms include fatigue and weakness, slight pain or fullness in the right or center abdominal area, elevated levels of liver enzymes (including AST and ALT), elevated insulin levels, and elevated triglyceride levels.

NASH Symptoms

NASH symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting, moderate to severe abdominal pain, and yellowing of eyes and skin.


From modern medicine perspective, there’s no cure for fatty liver or NASH. Treatment is usually aimed at reducing or preventing further fatty buildup and addressing underlying risk factors, such as obesity, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. Key strategies include lifestyle changes, medications (anti-inflammatory drugs), vitamin E, and liver protection.

As for liver protection, Dr. Kathleen Corey, director of the Fatty Liver Disease Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital suggests avoiding herbal supplements, including those sold for liver health, because she thinks they may be toxic to the liver.

Very funny! But they allow certain types of drugs such as anti-inflammatory to be used.


1.Lose weight and avoid overeating

Stay lean, losing weight if you are overweight, and eating foods in normal portions may help balance lipid profile. An imbalanced lipid profile is linked to fatty liver.

2. Cut back on carbs, especially refined carbs

Refined carbs cause metabolic syndrome, one of which is an imbalance in lipid profile that is linked to fatty liver.

Eat nutritious diets and add more fruits and veggies to your diet

Avoid processed foods, charred foods, fried foods especially deep-fried, and avoid food colorings.

Studies have shown these foods may help reverse fatty liver, including monounsaturated fats, whey protein, green tea, and soluble fiber.

3. Avoid drugs

Avoid drugs as they can increase fat storage. See ‘drug intake’ under Causes.

4. Physical activity

Endurance exercise or resistance training performed several times a week have been shown to significantly reduce the amount of fat stored in liver cells, regardless of whether weight loss occurs.

5. Manage stress

Stress, especially chronic stress is linked to inflammation, which may exacerbate the fatty liver condition. Therefore, managing stress should be a top priority of lifestyle changes.

5. Take supplements

Take cordyceps, milk thistle, colloidal silver, and cod liver oil every day as they may be very helpful.

Apple cider vinegar is said to be one of the best remedies for fatty liver disease.

Fatty Liver – You Can Reverse It Naturally

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