25 Haziran 2014 Çarşamba

Phone hacking: David Cameron to be grilled on Andy Coulson vetting

“There was a guilty verdict yesterday of a guy, Mr Coulson, who was already accused of this kind of things when he was brought into Downing Street by the Prime Minister,” Mr Balls mentioned.

“And a selection was manufactured – and this will be place to the Prime Minister these days – not to have Mr Coulson effectively vetted as people in his occupation often have been. And the question is for the Prime Minister, is a partial apology sufficient or do we truly have to look into what went wrong?”

Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, explained he would not have offered Mr Coulson the work of Downing Street director of Communications. He additional the position was a Conservative 1, including: “I and my Lib Dem colleagues were in no way concerned in this appointment.”

Mr Cameron yesterday issued a “profound apology”, saying offering Mr Coulson a “second chance” was a “bad decision”. In a televised apology made in Downing Street yesterday, Mr Cameron mentioned: “I consider full obligation for using Andy Coulson.

“I did so on the basis of undertakings I was offered by him about mobile phone hacking and individuals turned out not to be the situation.

“I often stated that if they turned out to be incorrect, I would make a total and frank apology and I do that right now.

“I am really sorry that I employed him. It was the incorrect selection and I am very clear about that.”

Mr Osborne, who initially suggested Coulson just months after he resigned from the Information of the World, said: “I as well am very sorry for the determination we manufactured to employ Andy Coulson.

One particular minister last evening criticised Mr Osborne and explained it was a “damning indictment” of his judgement.

Phone hacking: David Cameron to be grilled on Andy Coulson vetting

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