24 Ocak 2017 Salı

The Top 5 Cancer Theories Explained

What is Cancer? Cancer is known as an uncontrolled division and spread of abnormal cells throughout the body. The American Cancer Society states that in 2017 about 190,500 of the estimated 620,920 cancer deaths will be caused by cigarette smoking. Other factors that contribute are excess body weight, physical inactivity, excess alcohol consumption, and poor nutrition. The human body contains approximately 60 trillion cells and is subjected to thousands of cancer causing agents each day. Fortunately, our humanoid machine is able to repair any assault many of the DNA. If detrimental cells persist to affect the DNA, the body instructs cancer to commit suicide. This is done through a process called Apoptosis.

Cancer is known to be the second cause of death in our “so called” great nation. In this article I will discuss the main theories that can cause certain cancers for certain people. In a growing body of science, there are many natural ways to heal cancer and that the cancer industry is a way to make lucrative profits. In this article, we will look into the theories on what contributes to cancer anshed some light on how they can possible be resolved. If in any possible way this process fails, the body shuts down the making of blood vessels to the tumor with a process known as anti-angiogenesis. All hail, Blue lives matter, and by that I mean our immune system. With that being said dietary and lifestyle factors are key to preventing and healing any marks of disease. With all of the evidence backing up plant medicine, there is no reason as to why cancer cells cannot be eliminated from the body. Without further ado, lets investigate these controversial theories together….

The External toxin theory- explains that cancer cells is caused by external toxins, like chemicals generated from power plants, fossil fuels, and many other industries. Chemicals have saturated the water, food, and the air we breath.

Every day we accumulate about 80,000 toxins from the environment. In addition 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released by the industries into the nation’s environment each year, including carcinogens. The External toxin theory is the belief that synthetic man-made chemicals contribute to the various health problems many of us are experiencing today. Toxins alter our body’s chemistry in way in which it is difficult to get rid of them. Chemical toxins can vary from neurotoxins, xenoestrogens, and preservatives in food. Fluoride is a neurotoxin present in water and food supply which can cause dementia and DNA damage. Further problems that result from excessive toxic exposure are thyroid cancer, testicular cancer, tumor growth, and many other health problems other than cancer. Such problems range from hypo-hyperthyroidism, autoimmunity, chronic fatigue, and hormonal disruption cycles. Poly-chlorinated biphenols (PCBS) are nearly omnipresent in our environment and they contribute to impaired brain development and cancer. A concentrated source of PCBs are in farm raised fish.

Pesticides are commonly exposed to 95% of the united states food supply. Roundup is one of the most popular herbicide with a concentrated amount of pesticides and insecticides to kill of weeds and insects present in the garden or elsewhere. Bugs exposed to eating a GMO crop will die shortly after consumption since the insecticide dissolves the gut of the insect. Since the humanoid machine is powerful enough to withstand certain amounts of poison, but an excess overload can contribute to a slow chronic painful death. The poisons that we should have the most minor exposure to are heavy metals. Heavy metals are persistent chemicals that are prevalent in the environment and can develop in soft tissue. Some of the common heavy metals are mercury, lead, and arsenic. Every toxin I mentioned leads to low immunity, decreased natural killer cell activity, and decreased liver function which can mean trouble for the detoxification process, and cholesterol production. As a result heavy metals will lead to blood vessel damage, impaired cognition, increased risk of alzheimers disease and much more.

The Microbe Theory- this theory explains that cancer is caused by fungi, yeast, bacteria, and parasites. Pathogenic bacteria will always be a detriment to us. It is clear that pathogenic microbes are related to cancer.

Microbes are inhabitants that either assist or hurt the immune system. They play a huge role in determining the health of our gut flora, as well as our general health. Microbes in the bloodstream will cause a malfunctioning immune system. Microbes like parasites produce mycotoxins which are highly acidic in nature and detrimental to cells. A yeast infection that can contribute to cancer is called candida. Remember Candida is a fungus that also acts as a yeast. Candida is found in the mouth, intestinal tract and vagina, that will effect skin and mucous membranes. Candida is also a fungus that plays a role in nutrient absorption and digestion. If the digestive system is not cared for properly, candida can play a detrimental role in damaging intestinal wall and lining. This creates a dilemma known as leaky gut syndrome. LGS can also result from gluten intolerance as a result of zonulin resistance. Zonulin will expand the gut for toxins, chemicals, undigested food particles, and other microbes to enter to cause inflammation, and chronic illness. It is imperative that people avoid soy, wheat, dairy and eggs if suffering from any case of intolerance.

Nutrient malabsorption will cause an immune reaction since the immune system does not recognize the microbe particles, thus resulting in gastrointestinal issues and autoimmunity. Candida is also found in corticosteroids, birth control pills, toxic cancer treatments. Some more side effects include a weakened immune system, thyroid conditions, fatigue, joint pain,  headaches, and chronic stress. Remember without the immune system and fully functional glands, cancer will spread and metastasize and will stop cellular function, ATP, and other crucial processes. Consuming a diet high in refined carbohydrates, sugar and alcohol. Cancer patients usually have some sort of candida persisting in their gut, and the toxins leaking within the gut causes cancer.

The Immune System Theory- this theory states that cancer is fundamentally a disease of the immune system. It takes place when exposures to different kinds of contaminants get too high, causing low immune function as a result. 

This theory states that cancer is a disease as a result of our immune system. The body is designed to prevent cancer from occurring but thanks to big pharma drugs and radiation treatments, therefore the odds of having an immune system to fight cancer got slimmer. Somehow, sources think this is a logical explanation for how cancer is managed…  The medical professions goal is to put patients on chemotherapy for as long as possible. Chemotherapy as a poison will cause like nausea, vomiting, pain, extreme fatigue, blood disorders, mouth and throat sores… Dr Farid Fatta is a very abnormal example of how a doctor can earn massive amounts of profits from misdiagnosing patients with cancer and killing them with useless treatments like drugs and chemo. Natural killer cells are the white blood cells supply which rips cancer cell membranes apart. More of a reason to trust in your immune system and maintain an optimistic attitude.

In an animal study, at the Boston children’s hospital, natural killer cells are shown to reduce tumor growth and prolong survival in lymphoma mice. Unfortunately natural killer cells decline with age, but there are appropriate medicines in nature to keep them intact and stable. The three medicines I would like to talk about are Anamu, Cat’s Claw, and astragals. Anamu is southern american herb that can stimulate the immune system.  In turn, it heals cuts, burns, and scratches. Astralagus is an adaptogenic herb which contains potassium, manganese, copper, zinc which are minerals your body needs for survival. Researchers at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas found that cancer patients who take astragalus double their chances of survival. Cat’s Claw is also an herb that boosts NK cell activity, to fight infections. It acts as an anti-inflammatory antioxidant, that acts as a supporter for central nervous system health.

The Hypoxia theory- explains that cancer is caused by a deficiency of oxygen, poor diet, and lifestyle factors. Dr Otto Warburg MD, has proven that oxygen can be starved and resolved by implementing an oxygen rich environment. 

Dr Warburg has stated that sugar increase the production of lactic acid and monoxide. The body cannot rid itself of carbon monoxide so easily, since hemoglobin is prevented from withdrawing fresh oxygen from the lungs.  Sugary diets will help cause insulin resistance and deprive the body of glucose and essential nutrients. This theory mainly focuses on the dietary and lifestyle factors which can cause detrimental toxic buildup which can overload the body cleansing defense mechanisms. In many sources, Cancer is believed to be caused by environmental and nutritional dilemmas. Deficiencies or a malfunctioning immune system results in cellular oxygen starvation. Oxygen starvation causes cancer cells to metastasize and spread throughout the body. One needs to educate themselves in the variety of cancer treatments.

Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment is a great way to address the deficiency of oxygen through the body. Since hypoxia is a loss of oxygen throughout the cells. When cells don’t get enough oxygen, they will slowly begin to malfunction and die out. On the contrary, detrimental cells, bacteria and viruses thrive when oxygen is low or absent. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment will help detoxify the skin. The skin is the largest organ in our body, which excretes toxins and sweat. Detoxing with HBOT will stimulate healthy blood flow, which will keep away waste products and free radicals at bay. HBOT is not only good as a skin detoxifying agent, it is good for treating diabetic foot, skin grafts, burns and neurological diseases. Other benefits include regenerate brain cells after strokes and seizures, and reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. Since cancer is a symptom as a result of a sick body, addressing this will reduce your improve your odds of beating cancer. Again cancer may be a result, of many different origins, since this is a theory among many mazes. Exercise is also an important factor to detox and strengthen the body’s defense mechanisms. A chemical signal is produced by muscles during exercise called Interleukin 6 (IL-6) helps regulate Natural killer cells to target cancer cells. High-Intensity short duration exercises are the way to go!

The Immune Rebel Theory- explains that the overgrowth of cancer is basically a haywire reaction in the body. A kind of genetic rebellion that occurs when one’s cells rebel and destroy the body from within.

Allopathic doctors have given the incentive to either, cut, poison and burn certain parts of cancer. Chemotherapy, surgery, and drug therapy have all been ways to supposedly treat cancer and get rid of it. Cancer cells according to the medical profession are immortal and completely overwhelm the immune system, therefore it metastasizes all over the body to cause damage, if not taken care. The concept of genetic cancers have been determined as a cause for many cancers existing today. The fact of the matter is, I have yet to see a credible study in which cancer is caused by the human genome. This theory gives a falsifiable impression as the science contradicts this theory for the most part. I thought about this for a moment when i found out some disturbing facts. Living in the 21st century provides a variety of electronics, air conditioning (possibly with sarin gas), and industrial solvents. During 2005, the hardworking Environmental Working Group published results of a chemical study. Analyzing blood samples of newborn infants around the country, the organization discovered 287 chemicals and other toxins. This may be a rebellion, the body is currently experiencing with poisons. The EWG also discovered…

  • 76 chemicals that cause cancer in humans and animals

  • 94 chemicals toxic to the brain and nervous system

  • 79 chemicals that cause birth defects or abnormal development

Parents are transferring their toxic habits to their children with little to no regard of what it may do to their health. This influences the genetic expression of not only the parents but it is passed down to the child. This theory has the least basis among any other cause for cancer. There is absolutely no specific treatment to prevent cancer… Cancer is preventable, but don’t rely on a medical profession to give you a prescription for health…With all of this being said, these are all perspectives into cancer. My sincerest advice is to get educated on the epidemic of cancer. I recommend cancer tutor to explain the basics of cancer. In addition, resources will be offered to you if you or a loved one are suffering from cancer. From Ebooks, editorials, articles, a discussion forum to discuss concerns and issues with cancer or cancer status and treatment.


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The Top 5 Cancer Theories Explained

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