One in four babies born in the UK are not receiving mandatory checkups from health visitors during the first two years of their life.
A fifth of babies do not receive the recommended reviews after they turn one, and one in four miss out at the age of two, according to the government’s commission on social mobility.
This relates to care after birth, but it’s not the first time that issues with maternity services have been highlighted. In October data suggested that maternity care at almost three-quarters of local NHS groups in England needs to improve. In total, 209 clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) were rated, of which 144 needed improvement, with 11 registering the greatest need for improvement, according to NHS England. Just one group, West Kent, was ranked as top performing, while a further 53 were classed as performing well.
It comes amid planned cuts, with government transformation plans leading to the closure of maternity units. Campaigners are concerned that this means mothers may be forced to travel miles for care.
What are your experiences of maternity services in the UK? Have you been forced to travel for care? Was enough care offered after you gave birth? What about antenatal care? Share your stories with us below the line.
What are your experiences of NHS maternity services?
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