16 Mayıs 2017 Salı

You can cut an avocado safely, now learn to help someone with epilepsy | Letters

Last week amateur chefs everywhere were absorbing instructions on how to cut an avocado, after a post-brunch A&E influx of injuries sustained while trying to prepare the fruit (Pass notes No 3,853: Avocado hand, G2, 11 May). Now I hope the nation might broaden their knowledge further by learning how to help someone having an epileptic seizure. It’s National Epilepsy Week, and our new YouGov poll shows that two-thirds of UK adults with no experience of epilepsy would not know how to help. This is worrying when London Ambulance Service alone attends 40 epileptic seizures a day. Taking two minutes to read our seizure first aid steps – www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/10-first-aid-steps-for-convulsive-seizures – could make all the difference in a crisis.
Clare Pelham
Chief executive, Epilepsy Society

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You can cut an avocado safely, now learn to help someone with epilepsy | Letters

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