5 Mayıs 2017 Cuma

"Unnecessary" painkillers could leave thousands addicted, doctors warn

Powerful and potentially addictive opiate painkillers are being handed out too readily, leading doctors have warned after it emerged that the number of times the drugs are being prescribed in the UK has doubled in the past decade.

The Faculty of Pain Medicine and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society said they were worried about the high and growing use of opioid drugs such as codeine and tramadol – while other experts warn that hundreds of thousands of patients could be addicted to them.

Dr Barry Miller, dean of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, said that the increase in the prescription rates of painkillers in the UK should be “met with concern”, adding: “While some of the increase can be attributed to an improved understanding of the effectiveness of these medications by medical professionals, we are concerned by reports of unnecessary prescription.”

NHS Digital figures released last week showed that prescriptions of opioids have doubled in the past decade, with the number of prescriptions issued rising from 12m in 2006 to 24m in 2016. One of the highest increases in prescriptions was for oxycodone, which shot up from 387,591 to 1.5m – a 287% rise – over that period. There was a 236% increase in prescriptions for morphine sulphate and a 143% rise for fentanyl.

“Our greater understanding of these medications can improve the quality of life for tens of thousands of patients in the UK living with complex pain. However, all NHS staff prescribing these medications need to ensure they are not doing more harm than good,” said Miller, whose organisation represents anaesthetists who specialise in the relief of acute, chronic and cancer pain.

rising rates of pain killer prescriptions

Doctors have warned about the numbers of people in Britain who may be addicted to these drugs as a result, with recent estimates suggesting over 192,000 could be dependent, partly because some medics prescribe them too readily.

In the US, since 1999 the number of overdose deaths involving opioids such as oxycodone, hydrocodone and methadone has more than quadrupled. The number of prescriptions of these drugs rose dramatically – from 76m to 219m a year between 1991 and 2011. This comes despite the fact there has been no change in the amount of pain Americans report.

Harry Shapiro of the DrugWise information service warned of the growing risks of addiction in the UK and said the growing prescription of painkillers was leading to a “public health disaster hidden in plain sight”. He is calling for more dedicated specialist centres to help people with painkiller addiction and also to help track the scale of the problem.

“People are not staggering around the streets and buying dodgy drugs off dealers, they are getting painkillers. It’s a problem hidden in plain sight – a problem in every GP surgery and pain specialist clinic,” he said.

Martin Johnson, clinical lead for chronic pain at the Royal College of General Practitioners, raised concern about the number of people who may be on repeat prescriptions. He said those with other conditions such as diabetes were monitored while on medication, but it doesn’t always happen for people with chronic pain. He called for an annual review, potentially conducted by pharmacists, to check in on those given these drugs. “So many say painkillers don’t do anything, but they keep getting prescribed them,” he said.

Many patients also reportedly use these drugs recreationally, obtaining them non-prescriptively after being introduced to them by their doctors. In Britain, there is less recreational use and most people are given opioids by their doctor for chronic pain.

Opioids act on different parts the brain and nervous system, including the spinal cord. The latter receives sensations from the body before sending them to the brain. Opioids work on this area to decrease feelings of pain, even after injury. One of the risks with the drugs is that they are addictive, with users complaining of withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking them.

But doctors say that while medications such as codeine can be effective for cancer patients and for tissue damage, they do not always help the growing number of patients now taking them for long-term pain. These drugs also have side effects such as severe constipation and dangerous sedation.

Dr Jane Quinlan, consultant in anaesthesia and pain management at Oxford University Hospitals NHS foundation trust, said: “For the majority of patients with chronic pain opioids don’t reduce their pain, but the side effects can significantly worsen their quality of life. Over time opioids can actually make people more sensitive to pain, she added.

One former user, who asked to remain anonymous, said: “I was prescribed tramadol for about three years for my ongoing back condition. I was addicted to them after a few months, it got to the stage where it became part of my routine. I suffered awful withdrawal when I stopped taking them. Without them my pain was overwhelming.”

Yasir Abbasi, a psychiatrist with Mersey Care NHS trust, said: “Being dependent or addicted to prescribed painkillers can lead towards a slippery slope of illicit behaviour, which can pave the way for hardcore drugs. There are not enough non-pharmacological interventions available to reduce our reliance on opioid medication.”

Cathryn Kemp, 45, from Hastings: ‘I ended up in rehab after taking 60 fentanyl lozenges a day’

Cathryn Kemp

Cathryn Kemp: ‘In the morning I would wake up, crawl to the bathroom and take six lozenges.’ Photograph: Andrew Hasson for the Guardian

I was working as a journalist when, after a period of illness, I was finally diagnosed with a disorder of the sphincter. I had lots of scary procedures to make me better. I was very ill and eventually discharged with a repeat prescription for fentanyl lozenges. I’ve since been told that fentanyl is 100 times stronger than heroin.

At the time, I was told to take a maximum of eight lozenges a day. I was also on fentanyl transdermal patches – 100mg ones, the strongest. That shows the level of pain I was in. Then one day I took an extra lozenge and after that my use of the drug spiralled.

Two years later I ended up in rehab after taking 60 lozenges a day – all of them on prescription from my GP. I kept thinking I was in loads of pain and needed more.

I felt like I was taking control of things, which is completely insane. I hid the problem brilliantly from my family and friends. I used to hide lozenges around the cottage where I lived, putting them in tampon boxes so no one would know how many I was taking. Taking fentanyl would make me woozy and then about an hour or two between doses I would go to withdrawal – vomiting, shaking and hallucinating.

In the morning I would wake up, crawl to the bathroom and take six lozenges. This would stop me shaking. I would then be well enough to get a cup of tea and then have to take six more. This would go on all day. The tiny bit of me that was still myself at this point knew I was abusing drugs, but I was afraid to stop as I feared living in pain again.

At this stage I was dangerously dependent. My GP said he would write me my last fentanyl prescription and I was forced to borrow lots of money from my parents and sell my cottage in order to pay for private rehab. My GP applied for NHS detox for me, but I was told that I was refused it because I wasn’t homeless and I wasn’t offending.

By then I knew going to die if I carried on so I did whatever it took to get help. Coming off it I had to go through a pain barrier. The body stops producing endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, because it is receiving opiates instead.

I lost everything. I had to leave work because I was so ill. I lost my relationship, my career and my home – I lost everything I had built up over my writing career. I nearly lost my life.

I now run a charity dedicated to helping people cope with painkiller addiction. I haven’t come across anyone who has had such a complete breakdown like me. But I hear from lots of people, mainly women, who say they have kids to sort out and they cannot stop to have a pain condition. They think they have to keep going and so become trapped by the drugs they are taking.

What I am really hearing is the fact in the medical community there is still no support for dealing with these cases – no specific or very few specific resources to refer people too, so many are left hanging. We really need to engage NHS England in accepting that we need proper treatment services to deal with chronic pain as well as the addiction side.

It’s heartbreaking because it’s everyday people who are affected. We look at America and are horrified that opioid deaths are higher than deaths caused by car crashes. We do have a different system here, but estimates suggest hundreds of thousands of patients in the UK today are addicted to prescribed painkillers.

"Unnecessary" painkillers could leave thousands addicted, doctors warn

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