27 Eylül 2016 Salı

Drug Abuse: Detour In to Behavioral Changes

Many find their way in just by the urge to look into something new and for the rest, it’s a way to release stress and escape depression, completely oblivious to the lasting effects. Either way, drug abuse can’t be justified. Drugs can save a life and also ruin one just like Hussar A. D. mentioned in his article Drug Effectiveness and Safety. Few moments of escape from reality is what many of us seek but don’t realize the lasting effects of it. It does not take much time to turn abuse into an addiction. Whether the drug controls you or you control the drug, the gradual changes in physical and mental state of an individual immediately signals to internal physical harm to that individuals’ body, as chemical reactions stimulated artificially and leaves the lasting effects of the abuse.

Different drugs “satisfy” people differently. The Passages Malibu article Personality Changes With Drug Dependency breaks down effects of different drugs. The article clearly identified how drugs only help achieve momentary pleasures or sanctuary but nothing longer. Common behavioral changes include being aggressive, impulsive, selfish, ignorant, irresponsible, short-term memory loss and losing mental balance to think properly. Such effects lead to hallucination, overconfidence, egoist behavior and even depression.

 Classifying effects of drug abuse can’t be generalized rather be listed, with no doubt that any effect could hit anyone addicted to drug abuse.

Risky behavior: The initial effects to impact someone are risky behavior traits a person develops, commonly dressed as aggression. Once adapted to drug abuse, the person tends to react more aggressively than before. Being ignorant towards everything around are also symptoms. All such behaviors lead drug abusers to be introverts in nature.

Dazed and Confused: A person might initially feel the effects of hallucination to be the “fun and nutty” part of drug abuse but will soon realize how confusing the brain  signals can get, sometimes leading the person to lose power of imagination. When in normal state, a person would no longer be able to visualize things better, making him feel to go back to drugs as a creative enhancement. The sense of dependency that stems from the notion of enhancement is probably the root of all evil.

Emotions: The daily dose of drugs kicks in with one being more emotional and reactive to the surrounding. The hazy state of mind causes abusers to be unable to take decisions for themselves. Frustration becomes common places.

Self-control: Hallucination sort of freezes mind for a short period of time, effecting brain functions in a long term. But more importantly, it alters with motor functions and perception of an individual, leaving deep-seated problems to deal with.

All reasons conclude to one fact only:  drug abuse places you in a vicious cycle that makes you go back to the same illusion, keeping you away from reality. Escaping reality was never an answer; dealing with all problems and facing life head-on has always been the answer that champions digest for breakfast. It is important to know how long drugs stay in your system and what steps you should take to prevent damage and make your way towards recovery. Understand that drug abuse, or relapses can always be stopped with love and care from friends and family. The Stem4 organization found how one can overcome the difficulties in regular life or escape the loop of drug abuse. Their study suggested to look into self-esteem and ones’ power to deal with reality as a strength to overcome such effects by himself. Drugs are not the final answer, realizing the unproductive outcome of it is the biggest boost of self confidence and social involvement. It’s never too late!

Dave Hawthorne is a public health professional living in Scottsdale. He loves to write about healthy living, fitness and nutrition. In his free time he usually goes out for cycling. 

Drug Abuse: Detour In to Behavioral Changes

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